America's Resource for On-the-Job Training

03 May

Tulsa Oklahoma Ahhhh… The great state of Oklahoma. So many fond summer memories in the humid heat. Traversing beautiful forested regions with my friends discovering all adventure the countryside has […]

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16 February

Green New Deal – Top States and Counties for a Career in Wind In a previous blog, I provided a general overview of two of the fastest growing occupations in […]

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14 February

Green New Deal – Top States and Counties for a Career in Solar In a previous blog, I provided a general overview of the two fastest-growing occupations in America, both […]

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30 January

OJT for Green New Deal In her town hall meeting last night, presidential candidate Kamala Harris highlighted the significance of green occupations. If fact she mentioned installation and maintenance of […]

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17 August

Top Occupations and their Locations In an earlier blog, I created a composite ‘desirability’ index for 2026 occupations, based on their rankings for growth, number employed, and salary. In this […]

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04 August

How Alabama Benefits from the Decision at Blue Origin to Build Rocket Engines in Huntsville Rocket City, Alabama The recent announcement by Blue Origin is all set to bring in […]

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04 May

Job Gaps by State If I were looking for a job somewhere in the US, I’d go where the pay is the best and the competition for those jobs is […]

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