Our mission has been and continues to be to provide highly skilled, safe, and productive operators and stationary/facilities engineers to the stationary, construction, and environmental industries.
IUOE training programs are second to none, where apprentices and journey-level members hone or advance their skills. Our members have access to training on virtually every topic stationary engineers need to become their very best.
Over the years, IUOE local 501 has developed and implemented comprehensive training programs that are widely recognized as the best in a number of industries. Our aim is to train Apprentice Engineers, certify Journeymen Engineers, and maintain a world class workforce.
Additionally, the Local 501 Training Fund offers a broad range safety and health training for members. With support under Federal cooperative agreements and grants, our HAZMAT Program provides state-of-the-art OSHA and HAZWOPER (hazardous materials) courses and training materials to members.
Southern Nevada Operating & Maintenance Engineers Apprenticeship Opportunity
IUOE_Moving from Jay@IUOE on Vimeo.
The economic damage caused by Covid-19 has hit working families hard. Front line workers, like thousands of IUOE members, are risking their health and their lives to keep America moving.
Infrastructure matters to everyone. To create jobs and boost the economy, we need to repair and modernize our roads, bridges, airports, and water systems. We need to “build back better.”
The Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee (J.A.T.C.) is comprised of an equal number of representatives from the Union and the Contributing Employers, a consultant from the State of California Department of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS), an advisor from the Community College District, and a Training Director employed by the J.A.T.C. The J.A.T.C. is responsible for providing apprentices the best possible on-the-job training available, that you attend school regularly, and that you progress satisfactorily through the program. The courses are accredited with Los Angeles Trade Technical College as our Local Educational Agency (LEA), and certified through the State of California’s Department of Apprenticeship Standards.
Always be on time for work. Keep your vehicle in good mechanical condition so you will be able to drive long distance, if required.
You should be properly dressed and neatly groomed. You have been told and realize that you must conform to your employer’s requirements in dress and hair codes.
You are expected to have the proper work clothes, shoes, etc.
You are expected to furnish a minimum amount of hand tools.
You do not have a choice of jobs or the location of jobs. You may be required to report to or transfer from any employers as directed by the Apprenticeship Coordinator.
You understand and realize that due to the type of work or industry in which you may be placed, that you may not receive some facets of our trade in “On-The-Job-Training,” such as boiler experience in the cold storage industry or air conditioning in the bakery industry. This will not affect completion of your Apprenticeship.
The Joint Apprenticeship Committee has no way of guaranteeing that you have classes and schooling pertaining to all phases of the Operating and Maintenance Engineer’s Training program.
You will be issued an “Apprentice Daily Record” book and given instructions on completing the sheets, which must be done daily. At the end of the month you must mail or bring the completed and signed “Apprentice Daily Record” to the offices of the J.A.T.C. The “Apprentice Daily Records” are due on or before 15th of the following month for hours worked on the previous month.
Anytime you are injured or disabled, please contact the Apprentice office.
If you are assigned an unfamiliar job, admit that the process is new to you and tell your supervisor you will do your best.
NEVER QUIT A JOB, or refuse a work assignment (EXCEPTIONS – SAFETY ISSUES). If you have a problem, do the job assigned to you as directed, and immediately contact your Training Director.
Remember you are from a select group, therefore dress, act, and speak in a respectable manner in the classroom, at Union meetings, and at work.
Dear Employers, Members, Applicants and Interested Individuals:
The Operating & Maintenance Engineers Apprenticeship & Training Trust Fund for Southern California would like to update you regarding Apprenticeship Testing. Apprenticeship Testing is typically conducted every two years, with 2019 being the last time we opened the application period for testing and processing. With that said, The Operating & Maintenance Engineers Apprenticeship & Training Trust Fund for Southern California will not be conducting the open application period for the Apprenticeship Program in 2021.
COVID-19 has brought hardships and uncertainty for the future, and because of that, we are unable to offer the Apprenticeship Program exam for 2021. It is impossible for us to offer the in-person exam with all the safety precautions and protocols that have been instituted by the State of California, Center for Disease Control (CDC), and Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.
A: The “2019 Eligible Applicant” list will remain active for 2021. You will be able to select “Eligible Applicants” from that list for all your Apprenticeship positions.
A: If you took the exam in 2019 and passed, your exam score and position on the “2019 Eligible Applicant” list will remain intact and will remain active for the remainder of the 2021 calendar year. We would like to encourage you to pursue an education relating to the Operating/Maintenance Engineering trade. Consider the three pathways below:
Electrical Construction & Maintenance | AS Degree/Certificate of Completion
Heating, Ventilating, A/C & Refrigeration | AS Degree/Certificate of Completion
Operating & Maintenance Engineer – Steam Plant | Certificate of Completion
A: Unfortunately, all interested individuals and parties will be required to wait until the Apprenticeship Program exam is offered again in the future. We would also like to encourage you to pursue an education relating to the Operating/Maintenance Engineering trade. Consider the three pathways below:
Electrical Construction & Maintenance | AS Degree/Certificate of Completion
Heating, Ventilating, A/C & Refrigeration | AS Degree/Certificate of Completion
Operating & Maintenance Engineer – Steam Plant | Certificate of Completion