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Primary Metal Manufacturing

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Primary Metal Manufacturing

OJT for Primary Metal Manufacturing: NAICS 331

The Primary Metal Manufacturing subsector is part of the Manufacturing sector.

The Primary Metal Manufacturing subsector includes the following industries:

  • Iron and Steel Mills and Ferroalloy Manufacturing
  • Steel Product Manufacturing from Purchased Steel
  • Alumina and Aluminum Production and Processing
  • Nonferrous Metal (except Aluminum) Production and Processing
  • Foundries

Subsector Context

The following chart breaks down the parent sector into its subsectors. It shows the percentage of people that these subsectors employ, relative to the entire sector, and the projected growth of these subsectors through 2026.

Largest Occupations

The following table shows the top 10 projected occupations, in size, for this subsector through 2026. It also shows the educational requirements and OJT requirements for these top-sized occupations. The training directory provides a listing of the state-by-state training providers that can fulfill your on-the-job training requirements.

Largest Occupations in Subsector, Projected for 2026

Occupation 2026 Projected Employment (in thousands) 2026 Projected Percent of Subsector Percent Employment Change (2016-2026) Education Requirements OJT Requirements
First-line supervisors of production and operating workers 15.7 4.8 -9.7 High school diploma or equivalent None
Industrial machinery mechanics 14.5 4.5 -6.2 High school diploma or equivalent Long-term on-the-job training
Metal-refining furnace operators and tenders 13.8 4.2 -10.0 High school diploma or equivalent Moderate-term on-the-job training
Extruding and drawing machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic 11.7 3.6 -16.5 High school diploma or equivalent Moderate-term on-the-job training
Rolling machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic 11.6 3.6 -17.5 High school diploma or equivalent Moderate-term on-the-job training
Cutting, punching, and press machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic 10.4 3.2 -16.4 High school diploma or equivalent Moderate-term on-the-job training
Molding, coremaking, and casting machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic 10.4 3.2 -25.3 High school diploma or equivalent Moderate-term on-the-job training
Inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, and weighers 10.3 3.2 -28.2 High school diploma or equivalent Moderate-term on-the-job training
Helpers–production workers 9.5 2.9 -9.3 No formal educational credential Short-term on-the-job training
Maintenance and repair workers, general 9.1 2.8 -9.4 High school diploma or equivalent Long-term on-the-job training

Growth Occupations

The following table shows the top 10 projected occupations, in growth, for this subsector through 2026. It also shows the educational requirements and OJT requirements for these top-growth occupations. The training directory provides a listing of the state-by-state training providers that can fulfill your on-the-job training requirements.

Highest Growth Occupations in Subsector, Projected thru 2026

Occupation 2026 Projected Employment (in thousands) 2026 Projected Percent of Subsector Percent Employment Change (2016-2026) Education Requirements OJT Requirements
Computer numerically controlled machine tool programmers, metal and plastic 0.8 0.2 4.6 High school diploma or equivalent Long-term on-the-job training
Market research analysts and marketing specialists 0.3 0.1 2.1 Bachelor’s degree None
Electric motor, power tool, and related repairers 0.1 0.0 1.6 Postsecondary nondegree award Long-term on-the-job training
Financial managers 1.1 0.3 0.4 Bachelor’s degree None
Software developers, applications 0.2 0.1 0.0 Bachelor’s degree None
Architectural and civil drafters 0.1 0.0 -4.3 Associate’s degree None
Jewelers and precious stone and metal workers 0.1 0.0 -4.3 High school diploma or equivalent Long-term on-the-job training
Cutting and slicing machine setters, operators, and tenders 0.2 0.1 -5.1 High school diploma or equivalent Short-term on-the-job training
Packaging and filling machine operators and tenders 1.4 0.4 -5.2 High school diploma or equivalent Moderate-term on-the-job training
Machine feeders and offbearers 1.6 0.5 -5.3 No formal educational credential Short-term on-the-job training

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