America's Resource for On-the-Job Training


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Use this site if you are interested in forward-looking career or training opportunities across different industries and geographic areas within the United States.

Directory – Apprenticeships, Internships, Schools, and Training Companies

Use the Directory pages to find the schools, apprenticeship programs, OJT Programs and training companies that provide training for specific occupations across the United States, or within a particular state or city.


Use the States pages to identify the largest industry sectors, fastest growing industry sectors, and most disproportionately high number of jobs in each of our 50 states (and Washington D.C.), relative to other states.


Use the Industries pages to assess the overall size and growth of 128 industry sectors and subsectors, relative to other industries, across the United States. Use each industry page to identify the largest occupations and fastest growing occupations in that industry.


Use the Blogs pages to read about OJT Providers, Benefits of On-the-Job Training for Employers, On-the-Job Training Advantages, Family-Sustaining Careers, Overcoming Job Transition, Observational Learning, The Blue Collar Revival and how it relates to Millenials and Gen-Z, The Manufacturing Resurgence, and How OJT is helping fill the job/ skills gap in America.


Use the Sponsors page to request your logo or banner on any state page, industry page, blog, or search result. Contact us if you would like to contribute content or if you would like to request an enhanced search result listing.

Companies Large and Small Trust For On-the-Job Training

We get the workforce of the future prepared for success while assisting in securing On-the-Job Training partnerships.