Why OJT.com Why Use OJT.com?
At OJT.com we want to bring jobs together with people all across America. We do this through a national registry of training companies that focus on the skills required for jobs in the 21st century.
Each state in America maintains their own job-related website, which includes a variety of different training resources. Each state’s website looks different, works different, and in many cases requires a separate account to have full access to the state’s job and training resources. The “silo” nature of state training resources makes it difficult for individuals who want to research and pursue opportunities across all 50 states.
At OJT.com, we take a more integrated nationwide approach, whereby we provide a single interface to training resources across the nation. We’ve aggregated the top training resources across America’s 50 states while focusing on those training resources oriented around 21st century jobs and the resurgent manufacturing sector of the economy.
We focus on private training institutions as well as training institutions that have attained state accreditation on each state’s Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL), as mandated by the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
At OJT.com, we match up training service providers with the specific areas of innovation and opportunity (jobs) identified by the states. We conducted the type of analysis that any worker in the country can use to determine where in the country they want to go for work, and the training service providers they can use to get the training they need.
OJT researches and analyzes American industries of today and tomorrow to assess their training needs, and to find the training services that are available to meet those needs. In many cases our analysis identifies training requirements for which there are existing training services readily available, in which case we serve to marry up the training requirements with the training service provider. In other cases, we may identify a current or future training need for which there are no known training service providers available to satisfy that need. In these cases, we work with the training service providers to help define, develop and deliver these training services.
OJT works with a variety of data based organizations to identify the current and future industries needing training the most. We also work at the federal, state, and regional government levels, including the SBA, to focus on the areas needing training the most.
Drop OJT.com a line today and let us help you with your job training needs!
Call 866.465.8266 to speak with someone on our project evaluation team.