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The largest directory
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According to the North American Industry Classification System, the Construction sector is comprised of enterprises primarily engaged in the construction of buildings or engineering projects (e.g., highways and utility systems). As well as, enterprises primarily engaged in the preparation of sites for new construction and in subdividing land for sale as building sites.
The services provided by enterprises in this sector may include new work, additions, alterations, or maintenance and repairs. Production responsibilities for enterprises in this sector are usually specified in either contracts with the owners of construction projects (prime contracts) or in contracts with other construction establishments (subcontracts).
The construction sector consists of these subsectors:
As of June 2019, 7.4 million workers were employed in Construction Occupations. An industry sector that is projected to grow faster than the national average at a rate of 10%, adding about 704,000 new jobs between 2018 – 2028.
This growth of construction occupations is largely stimulated by economy and population growth. Driving the demand for new buildings, roads, and other structures, which will create new jobs in construction.
Specifically, among construction occupations that don’t require a degree accounting for nine of the Top 10 most in-demand construction jobs.
Data Credit : BLS.gov
The median annual wage for Construction occupations was $47,430 in May 2019, which was lower than the median annual wage for all occupations in the economy of $39,810. Here’s a snapshot of the salary and workforce numbers for each construction sector.
Data Credit : BLS.gov
Most of the fastest growing construction jobs in America typically only require a high school diploma. While many have no formal education requirement at all, measuring job seekers purely according to their knowledge and verifiable work experience.
The average annual salary of a worker with only a high school diploma is $37,960. While the average annual salary of a construction worker is $53,123. Making Construction the 134th highest paying industry group in America.
Here’s a quick peak at the top construction occupations based on education level.
Data Credit : BLS.gov
With employment in the construction industry projected to grow at 10% by adding about 704,000 new jobs between 2018 – 2028. Construction occupations present career seekers with a variety of sustainable career pathway opportunities.
However, the quality and number of construction opportunities varies from coast-to-coast. So, it is important to understand which states offer the best career opportunities for construction occupations.
When determining where to start or advance a career in construction. Career seekers should consider the size of the workforce, annual wages, and career prospects of their target geographical area.
Here’s a quick snapshot of the best states for careers in construction.
Data Credit : BLS.gov